Digestive Health

The health of your horse depends largely on the state of his digestive system. Horses in the wild will naturally graze peacefully for around 18 hours a day, using little energy, suffering low stress and feeding the gastrointestinal tract almost constantly.
Our modern working horses, however, have a very different lifestyle. Many are stalled for long periods, fed only two or three meals a day, and are exercised vigorously.
To compensate for what is an unnatural lifestyle, we need to support the horse's digestive system to cope, ensuring optimal nutritional absorption and the maintenance of proper weight and a healthy appetite.
If the horse's digestive system is not healthy, it can affect things like the ability to bend or extend, the condition of the coat and result in behavioural problems like girthiness or stall biting.
To ensure gut wellness and keep your horse happy from the inside out, use the tried and trusted digestive health supplements we stock and recommend. We have a lot of horse gut and digestive health supplements that you can choose from based on your horse's equine needs.

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  • Equine Products Equine Products Comfort Gut Toxin Binder

    Equine Products

    Equine Products Comfort Gut Toxin Binder

    £21.10 - £36.94
  • Equus Health Equus Health Aniseed Powder - 1kg

    Equus Health

    Equus Health Aniseed Powder - 1kg

  • TRM Ireland TRM SynBioVit for Hind Gut Health

    TRM Ireland

    TRM SynBioVit for Hind Gut Health

    £56.10 - £243.67
  • Horse First Horse First Acid Aid - All Sizes

    Horse First

    Horse First Acid Aid - All Sizes

    £30.15 - £118.80
  • Equus Health Equus Health Epsom Salts

    Equus Health

    Equus Health Epsom Salts

    £4.49 - £8.00
  • Freestep Freestep GGM GastroFree Digestive Supplement


    Freestep GGM GastroFree Digestive Supplement

    £30.14 - £135.00
  • Lincoln Lincoln Brewers Yeast Daily Supplement - 1.2kg
  • Net Tex Net Tex Gut Balancer - All Sizes

    Net Tex

    Net Tex Gut Balancer - All Sizes

    £20.03 - £47.24
  • Protexin Protexin Gut Bind - 30ml Syringe


    Protexin Gut Bind - 30ml Syringe

  • Global Herbs Global Herbs FirmUp Diareeze Powder - All Sizes

    Global Herbs

    Global Herbs FirmUp (Diareeze) Powder - All Sizes

    £15.50 - £28.90
  • Global Herbs Global Herbs Black Salt - 2kg

    Global Herbs

    Global Herbs Black Salt - 2kg

  • Global Herbs Global Herbs Gut Support Prebiotics - All Sizes

    Global Herbs

    Global Herbs Gut Support Prebiotics - All Sizes

    £24.50 - £47.50