Body Protectors

Here at Totally Tack we know that riding at any level is a risky business, so we take rider safety just as seriously as horse happiness.

The style, design and technology of rider's body protection equipment is continually evolving and improving. We stock body protectors for male and female riders from the leading manufacturers and suppliers, ensuring we offer the best, lightweight and most up-to-date protection available on the market to keep you safe if you lose your seat.
Body protectors for men & lady riders are lightweight, comfortable to wear and easy to clean, designed to be worn over a vest or T-shirt, and can be used in combination with an air jacket for total protection. You can choose from among the following options for body protectors for men and women. Our extensive range of  body protectors will help you stay stylish and safe, always!

Body protectors are designed to safeguard the chest, waist and shoulders, absorbing the impact in the event of an equestrian accident, be it a fall, being kicked or trampled by a horse.

Wearing a body protector is compulsory in most equestrian competitions, and the equipment has to meet the safety standards for the particular discipline according to levels set down by BETA (the British Equestrian Trade Association).

Ideally, no child should mount a horse or pony without adequate protection, and that includes not only a helmet, but also a reputable body protector garment that offers the maximum level of protection to the torso in the event of a fall, meeting the required standards with ratings of EN13158:2009 and BETA Standard Level 3.

Fit is obviously important, for a body protector - not only to ensure the child's safety in the saddle but also for comfort. A child is not likely to adapt well to wearing protection if the garment does not allow for free movement and is uncomfortable to wear.

Whichever body protector you choose for your child or yourself make sure it is suited to his/her/your physique, sized right and is adjustable to fit.

You can browse through our collection of women's, men's and childrens body protectors, so that you can ensure a safe horse riding expereinece for both you and your child.

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  • Airowear Reiver Body Protectors - Adults Sizes